The property tax paid for this property in 2018 was $10,341.42. This is 0.73% of the sale price of the home.
This property is one of 105 sales so far in Lorain in November 2021.
According to the Ohio Secretary of State, there were 14 registered voters residing at 4008 W. Erie Ave., Apt. A as of Oct. 10, 2020: Anthony Gargasz, 66, Carolyn Louise Zobel, 78, Lanette Marie North Abrams, 60, Kaylia D Wyatt, 34, Robert T Anderson, 72, Barbara Ann Bee, 60, Andrea M Kistner, 49, Raymond T Ridenour, 47, Robert Lee Strader, 56, Gene a Lepke, 62, Janine Robin McCluskey, 58, Diana R Guinard, 56, David a Calvert, 67, and David J Dobbins, 45.
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