584 WOODSIDE Ave.20200$156,000Property Tax (2018): $2,094.4Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.34%Buyer: Judy L RobertsSeller: Donna M. Scott (as executor) and Theodore L. Hofecker of (estate) (by executor)
1449 VERMILION Rd.20300$250,000Property Tax (2018): $2,782.54Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.11%Buyer: Sarah O. Kovarik and Justin W. EitnerSeller: Alma Kovarik (trustee) and Alma Kovarik (revocable living trust)
363 DEVONSHIRE Rd.20207$70,000Property Tax (2018): $1,180.94Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.69%Buyer: Mark and Donna Koker and Donna SarvasSeller: Derek E. Lassen as (estate administrator) and Timothy Z. Lassen of By (estate) (estate administrator)
242 ALDRICH Rd.20207$98,000Property Tax (2018): $1,175.26Effective Property Tax Rate: 1.2%Buyer: Richard A. and Theresa PiskurSeller: Mitchell D., Deborah, Robert M. and Kimberly Piskur
3744 ELIZABETH Dr.20202$339,900Property Tax (2018): $1,081.72Effective Property Tax Rate: 0.32%Buyer: Matthew and Christina EschenauerSeller: Jacob W. and Elisabeth Sechkar and Josie E. and Todd Urig